[英語拍照翻譯在線]。[公司章程翻譯模板]。EX-UE10Sifengon the palmar side of the 2nd to 5th fingers,in the centre of the proximal interphalangeal joints,4 points on each side.with the palm faced upwards and the fingers stretched,on the palmar side of the 2nd to 5th fingers,in the centre of the proximal interphalangeal joints,4 points on each side.EX-LE10Bafengon the dorsum of the foot,on the web margins between each two of the five fingers 8 points totally on both sideslocalized in the erect sitting position or localized in the supine position,on the dorsum of the foot,on the web margins between each two of the five fingers 8 points totally on both sidesEX-LE11Duyinon the plantar side of the 2nd toe,at the midpoint of the distal interphalangeal joint.localized in the supine position,on the plantar side of the 2nd toe,at the midpoint of the distal interphalangeal joint.EX-HN11Haiquanin the mouth,at the midpoint of the frenulum of the togue.localized in the erect sitting position with the mouth opened and the tongue rolled backwards,in the mouth,at the midpoint of the frenulum of the togue.EX-UE11Shixuanat the tips of the ten fingers,about 0.1 cun from the free margin of the nails,10 points totally on both sides.with the palm faced upwards,at the tips of the ten fingers,about 0.1 cun from the free margin of the nails,10 points totally on both sides.EX-LE12Qichuanat the tips of the ten toes,0.1 inch from the free margin of each toenail,10 points totally on both sides.localized in the erect sitting position or localized in the supine position,at the tips of the ten toes,0.1 inch from the free margin of each toenail,10 points totally on both sides.EX-HN12Jinjingin the mouth,on the vein in the left side of the frenulum of the tongue.localized in the erect sitting position with the mouth opened and the tongue rolled backwards,in the mouth,on the vein in the left side of the frenulum of the tongue.EX-HN13Yuyein the mouth,on the vein in the right side of the frenulum of the tongue.localized in the erect sitting position with the mouth opened and the tongue rolled upwards,in the mouth,on the vein in the right side of the frenulum of the tongue.EX-HN14Yimingon the nape,1 cun posterior to Yifeng.localized in the erect sitting position with the head foreward,on the nape,1 cun posterior to Yifeng.EX-HN15Jingbailaoon the nape,2 cun directly above Dazhui ,1 cun lateral to the posterior hairlie.localized in the erect sitting position or with the head bowed,on the nape,2 cun directly above Dazhui ,1 cun lateral to the posterior hairlie.